Saturday, June 28, 2008

I made some chilli

I made chilli for tea. It’s not something I’ve ever made before, and to be honest I havn’t had it more than 5 times, but for some reason I wanted to make some. I think it may have been the ‘chilli cook off’ episode of The Simpson’s where Homer eats that crazy chilli and goes on a crazy journey. Possibly anyway. I decided to document the process. I used the recipe from here. No idea if it’s any good, it was just the first I came across on a search. Got all the ingredients together and started.

That’s everything. There was supposed to be garlic, but there was none at the shops when I went there. Now onto chopping.

Cutting the first onions hurt my eyes, which is weird because that hasn’t happened to me before. Maybe I cut it up smaller then I have in the past. I also pre-measured everything to save time later. Cooked the meat and onions and checked everything into a pot.

I was a bit worried at this stage as it was very watery. Had to add an extra half cup to ensure the meat was covered. For there it simmered for ages, then I took the meat out and shredded it into little bits. No pics of that as I was hungry. Chucked it back in for a few minutes and dished some out.

Added some sour cream, grated cheese, and a crusty roll. I found some Bacardi’s on the floor (?) so I had one with my chilli. It was tasty! It was perhaps a little too meaty for me, so next time I’d put some kind of vegies in place of some of the beef. I want to cook this again, but I’m not sure when. I’ve got 5 bowls left, so I’ll probably be sick of it soon.

Dwarf druid

Finished this guys robe last night. Here is a pic:

The pic came out somewhat harsh, I think it looks better in real life. The left hand looks particularly bad, but I think that is more a result of up scaling the size rather than an error on my part. (It's not my fault, whinge, whinge, whinge)

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I had my last exam a couple of days ago, so am now on holidays! Hooray, time for copious amounts of sitting around not doing much. I think I went ok, but I won’t find out for a couple of weeks.

I adopted a camera from my parents, that's what the bellow pic was taken with. There was no cord to connect to my pc with, only an sd card. But I checked my computer and there is a slot for one on the front. Nifty. The pic is a little blurry tho.

I really like the dwarf, he looks great. These guys are all coming along nicely; just need a couple of highlights and the painted parts will be done. If I'm feeling adventurous I might try and 'dirty up' the bottom of the dwarf's robe.

Finally, I ordered a 'grab bag' of 20 reaper blisters from Who knows what I will get? Hopefully it is a good mix of stuff.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

First finished

I have exams at the moment, so rather than study I have been doing some painting. I've just finished Mr Cyclops, so here he is.

Came out pretty well I think.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Started painting some kobolds last night.

I think the skin tone may be a little to orange so I might give it a brownish glaze or something. I missed a couple of areas as well, like the top right leg on the guy with two swords, so I'll have to fix that up.