Monday, June 29, 2009

Some WIP

Here is some of my current WIPs


First post in like a year!

I finished up these guys yesterday, they are kobolds. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. Colours where chosen pretty much at random, which is why there is purple and blue gloves etc. I was worried that they might not come together well, but in the end I think they did.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

new place for pointless junk

I started a new page (use mouse here) where I will post random stuff, in order to keep here on topic.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I've been sick.

It is annoying.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


I had a complaint that I haven’t posted anything in almost a month. So this is me posting.

Umm… not much to say. I’m back at school so have been busy studying. I’m going to undercoat some stuff this afternoon, so I might have something more substantial to post in a few days.

Friday, July 11, 2008

uni results

Uni results were released today. I got:
  • Strategic Business Systems – D (79)
  • International Business and Finance – HD (87)
  • Politics of Globalisation – C (70)
Pretty happy with that, although I’m always disappointed when I don’t get 100. Was what I was expecting tho.

Anyways, finished assembling some guys. Here is a pic.

Still have to base them. Don’t know when they’ll get undercoated; I have some other stuff to do as well. It’s been either raining or windy here, which is not good weather for spraying.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Lots of minis

My 'grab bag' arrived, looks like lots of stuff. There is a fair bit of lizard-type stuff, and other random things. I think I'll need to get some new files and blades to clean up these guys.