Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lots of games

Bought a stack of new games yesterday. 20 to be precise. It only cost just over AU$100, which was pretty good considering new games here only cost about 20% less than that. A selection of good old games (hitman, deus ex and commandos) and bunch of relatively average new ones (pretty much everything else). A few of the them were on my 'games i want' list anyway. I'm downloading Kane and Lynch now, only 9 and a half hours remaining.

I've done a bit more on Mr. Cyclops so here he is.

I was worried that the hair would look too similar to the ground, but it turned out alright. He is nearly finished now.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

How about a real update?

I had a first attempt at sculpting last night. There were huge gaps between the wings and the body on Bagheera and I thought it needed something to cover it up.

It didn't turn out too bad. I'm a bit worried that the putty hasn't dried yet, but I'll leave it another 24 hours and see how it goes.

On a related note, I have no idea what this mini is meant to be. Some kind of demon monkey? Who knows?

edit: I just had to fix up a bunch of typos, I blame it on the huge report I just submitted

Forgetting passwords

A week ago my old PC died, so I replaced it with a new laptop (this one if you care). An unfortunate side effect was I lost all my saved passwords and cannot sign into my old page (another link if you care). I'd only made like three posts so I'll just use this page from now on.